Campus Directory

Miriam Rodriguez-Guerra
Title: | Assistant Professor |
Office: | Warde Academic Center |
Phone: | 773-298-3469 |
Email: | |
Department: | Comm. Sci. & Disorders |
Ph.D. in Hispanic Linguistics
University of Arizona
M.A. in Hispanic Linguistics
University of Arizona
M.A. in Phonetics and Phonology
Spanish National Research Council (Madrid, Spain)
B.A. in English Language and Literature
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain)
Areas of Specialization
- Bilingualism
- Spanish as a Heritage Language
- Early Acquisition of Speech
- Phonology
- Sociolinguistics
- Applied Linguistics
Courses Taught
- CSD 205: Phonetics
- CSD 206: Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech and Hearing Mechanisms
- CSDI 207/CSDIL 207: Speech Sciences
- CSDI 301: Speech Development and Disorders
- CSD 317: Multicultural Aspects of Communication
- CSDI 395/595: Special Topics: The Sounds of Spanish
- CSDI 594: Foundation of Research in CSD
Nair, V. et al. (2023). Accent modification as a raciolinguistic ideology: Commentary in response to Burda et al. (2022). Journal of Critical Study of Communication and Disability, 1(1), 105-112.
Rodriguez-Guerra, M.; Colina, S., & Fabiano-Smith, L. (2023). Interaction in early speech acquisition: Acceleration in the bilingual acquisition of English liquids for English-Spanish bilinguals. Lingua, 281.
Colina, S., Rodríguez-Guerra, M., Marrone, N., Ingram, M., Navarro, K.J., Arizmendi, G. and Coco, L. (2022), Research Documents for Populations with Limited English Proficiency: Translation Approaches Matter. Ethics & Human Research, 44: 29-39.
Martín-Santana, J. D., Muela-Molina, C., Reinares-Lara, E., & Rodríguez-Guerra, M. (2015). Effectiveness of radio spokesperson's gender, vocal pitch and accent and the use of music in radio advertising. BRQ Business Research Quarterly, 18 (3), 143-160.
Selected Presentations
Rodríguez-Guerra, M.; Fernández-Florez, C.; Ramírez-Martínez, M. (2023). "Building Community Inside and Outside the Heritage Language Classroom". American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). Chicago, Illinois. November 2023 [presentation]
Rodríguez-Guerra, M., C. Privette & L. Fabiano-Smith "They sent me to Speech and Hearing because I spoke Spanish. Misdiagnosis of disability in Latinx children." XXVIII Spanish in the U.S. Conference & XIII Conference on Spanish in Contact with Other Languages. Dallas, Texas, April, 2023 [organized panel & presentation]
Rodríguez-Guerra, M., S. Colina. & L. Fabiano-Smith "Between-language interaction in early acquisition of speech. Evidence from gliding in Spanish-English bilingual preschoolers in the Southwestern US." 31st Colloquium on Generative Grammar - Satellite Workshop. Mallorca, Spain. June 2022 [presentation]
Colina, S., M. Rodríguez-Guerra, N. Marrone, M. Ingram, G. Arizmendi, K. Navarro, & L. Coco "Two approaches to the translation of a health survey: comparing their usability." Biannual Conference of the American Translation and Interpreting Studies Association (ATISA), Santa Barbara, California. April 2022 [presentation]
Rodríguez-Guerra, M., S. Colina. & L. Fabiano-Smith "Gliding in Spanish-English bilingual preschoolers. A mixed-method analysis of between-language interaction in early acquisition of speech" Hispanic Linguistic Symposium. Wake Forest, North Carolina. October 2021 [presentation]
Fernández-Florez, C., Rodríguez-Guerra, M., "Creating Online Community and Cultural Awareness through Virtual Video-Exchanges in the Heritage Language Classroom" AELFE-TAPP. Catalunya, Spain. July 2021 [presentation]